The thing to remember, above all else when writing JS code, is that it’s a dynamic language. This means there are a lot of ways to do things. You don’t have to deal with strongly typed classes, or some of the more complex features from languages, like C# and Java. This is both a blessing and a curse.

You can read an article on the history of JavaScript here, but the gist of it is that Brandon Eich, in 1995, was hired by Netscape to design a language. What he came up with was the loosely typed language that we know as JavaScript. Over the years, it became ”standardized” as ECMAscript, but, throughout all the browser wars, the various browsers implemented these features differently. This, naturally, lead to a lot of sleepless nights for web developers. This problem, when combined with the fact that JavaScript was considered to be most applicable for manipulating images and performing quick bits of validation, led JavaScript to, incorrectly, be viewed as a terrible language.

» Jonathan Creamer |



